• Grammar, after free writing

    Grammar, after free writing

    Hi all Happy Wednesday! So continuing in our scene editing process (well mine take what you like and leave what you don’t) what’s next? Truthfully this is really a couple different steps. Usually for me I go through periods of avid writing long scenes and multiple scenes then I get stuck so I go back…

  • Spaceship Creation Time

    Spaceship Creation Time

    I didn’t accomplish much writing this weekend, but I did spend a lot of time designing spaceships for Peregrina. I can already tell you I’m definitely going for soft science fiction. My fiance is an engineer, and I’ve always been more of a biologist, historian, and geology-type scientist. The hard math is a hard pass.

  • #Free Write Fridays

    #Free Write Fridays

    Hi All! For July (Yes technically this isn’t the first Friday in July) Going to give free write Fridays a try. So I’ll share free writes and feel free to give feed back!

  • Sticking to a Word Count

    Sticking to a Word Count

    Writing often involves thinking about how many words we can write. How long should a novel or story be? It’s easy to think in word counts. Most writing platforms count the number of words in a piece. How many words does one type on a document? I suppose we could manually count words those of…

  • Social Media Check it out.

    So in the last post I mentioned how much I love Pinterest and Tumblr. I’m working on tech savvy and I don’t want to pay for premium. So bear with me. Below are the links to my author Pinterest and Tumblr. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/camilegrant513

  • A Brief Hiatus

    A Brief Hiatus

    Hi All! So I’m not going to be posting much over the next week or so. We were hit by a tornado so life is kinda crazy right now. Everyone is safe and fine. Just car damage, minimal apartment damage and waiting on the power to return. I’ll keep you posted in the coming weeks.

  • Small Level Story Structure

    Small Level Story Structure

    Last week, I rambled about a metaphor in story structure and how I want the story’s big picture to progress. Today I’ll hopefully provide a more legitimate theory and less abstract thought process about the parts of the beginning, middle, and end. I can’t promise to stay away from metaphors, though. 

  • Hi!


    Hi! Welcome to my WordPress Blog/web page. I’m not super big on social media unless it is Pinterest. This is my workaround. Here I hope to keep you guys updated on projects (right now, my only fan is my fiancé soon-to-be husband).

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memez

  • Monday Memes

  • Monday Memes